Vanguard Vantage Report July + August 2024

Hi everyone!

My name is Corina and I recently joined the Vanguard Vantage team as the new CMO / Growth Lead shortly after the launch of the program.

For those new to the concept, Vanguard Vantage is a Recognized Delegate for Venus DAO and the program was launched with the scope of helping the protocol with DAO Governance, Ecosystem Growth and Marketing efforts.

We are lean team of contributors motivated to help Venus expand as a protocol and as a community. We started our work in July 2024 and we are committed to show up with transparency and integrity in representing Venus.

That being said, I am happy to present to you our first Monthly Report, which includes all our activity for each month. This is a Public Notion page which will be updated at the beginning of every month for the last month. At the moment you can already access the report for both July and August:

What does the report include?

Under each month, you will find the following structure:

  • This month’s Highlights :bulb:
    – Such as Nr. of Press Releases, AMAs, Integrations, Blog Posts & VIPs Implemented

  • Marketing & BD Updates :mega:
    – Marketing Activations and campaigns with partners
    – Twitter (X) Analytics on Nr. of Followers, Engagement rates, etc.
    – Changes in the growth strategy, and other internal work
    – Published content and our work with the media
    – Business Development & New Integrations

  • Governance Activity :ballot_box:
    – Forum Posts
    – Snapshot Votes
    – VIPs Implemented

  • Technical Updates & Other :space_invader:
    – Contributions towards community management
    – Ecosystem Growth
    – Operations
    – Security & Awareness

  • What’s coming next? :motorway:
    – This is a section dedicated to upcoming projects and work that is still in progress

The report relates strictly to our work as Vanguard Vantage (such as VIPs proposed by us). All the work made in collaboration with partners or other entities such as Venus Labs and Chaos Labs is mentioned as such.

We also work closely with Venus Labs on a wider strategy and new ideas to strengthen the brand positioning of Venus, bring more attention to the protocol on different chains and grow our community. We also continue to support Venus Stars and our Community on the forum, Telegram and Discord daily by helping with content, AMAs, technical support, and answering community questions.

We did our best to make the report simple to navigate yet as detailed as possible, and we will continuously try to improve it based on your feedback. Our team is here to shed light on any questions that might arise, so please feel free to leave feedback and questions below! :point_down:

Access the Monthly Report here.


very nice detailed report!!


great :fire::muscle:
thanks for this details


I’m hyped to the read the whole report

Thank you very much and please keep doing report like that ! Good job

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Thank you @Xvs_Believer ! :slight_smile:

It looks good :clap: i am sure that with the upcoming possible bull phase, following reports they will be full to bursting. :smile:

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