Support Lido wstETH token in a new Venus Protocol BNBChain LST ETH pool

GM Venus DAO, I’m a Lido Protocol Defi Relations contributor writing this to propose getting wstETH listed as a collateral in the BNBChain LST ETH Pool.


wstETH is the bridged canonical wrapped version of Lido staked Ether available on BNBChain. Lido Protocol is a family of open-source peer-to-system software tools deployed functioning on Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon. The protocol enables users to stake their tokens with validators and receive rewards from validation activities. stETH (Lido Staked Ether) is the token minted when a user deposits Ether into the protocol while wstETH is the wrapped non-rebaseable, value accruing version of stETH. The proposal’s intent is to get wstETH which has been recognised as canonical by the DAO as a collateral asset on the LST ETH pool on BNBChain.


  • wstETH has been listed on Venus Core Pools on Ethereum Mainnet - BNBChain is another market that could bring in large amounts of TVL. There is currently over 6k wstETH being supplied on Ethereum Mainnet, enabling wstETH on BNBChain should see similar traction
  • Capital efficiency - Enabling wstETH as a collateral asset on Venus BNBChain gives users access to a highly favoured collateral asset for leverage. Rewards accrued in wstETH also makes it more capital efficient
  • Integrations: Lido DAO will be integrating wstETH into the BNBChain ecosystem from DEXes to CDPs which will contribute to liquidity growth and usage onchain.
  • Market Acceptance: With wstETH being 8th largest in all of crypto’s marketcap (from Coingecko), wstETH is a highly liquid and useable asset which should drive significant usage within Venus Protocol.


  • Smart Contract Risks: As with every other token, wstETH on BNBChain is subjected to smart contract risks. This is mitigated through the multiple audits and verification reports
  • Slashing Risk: As with every liquid staked token, wstETH is also subjected to slashing risks from the validators. This is mitigated through the stringent selection of node operators. Lido also has a cover fund of approximately 6.4k stETH that could be used to cover some of the slashing estimated risks
  • Market Risks: Volatility as well as unwinding of positions in the market could affect stETH’s stability as it isn’t a pegged asset. Historically stETH has traded within the 2% of ETH’s price.


  • Usage of wstETH as a collateral on Venus on Ethereum mainnet shows that there should be demand for wstETH as a collateral on Venus BNBChain. Users are able to then either supply wstETH for borrowers and earn rewards for it or take on leverage with their wstETH.
  • Vaults that run yield strategies such as recursive staking strategies can tap on Venus’s market and borrow ETH to loop wstETH.


  1. wstETH contract address
  2. Oracle and Price Feeds: Implementation expected with Chainlink and Redstone. Expected price feeds for wstETH:stETH and stETH:USD

Useful Links






I like the empowerment for etherium fans, I think the proposal should be put on the snapshot and then vote for VIP

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I fully agree with the proposal to list wstETH as collateral in the LST ETH Pool on BNBChain. I believe this integration will not only enhance liquidity and on-chain usage but also effectively leverage the accumulated value of wstETH. I am eager to see the implementation through the Snapshot and VIP, and I am convinced it will be a significant step towards the growth and efficiency of Venus.

I think it a good proposal! We can support wstETH in BNB Chain!

Very supportive for this proposal. There should definitely be demand for wstETH as collateral on Venus BNBChain


Chaos Labs supports listing wstETH on Venus Protocol’s BNB Chain deployment as part of the Liquid Staked ETH pool. Below is our analysis and initial risk parameter recommendation.

BNB Chain Liquidity

The wstETH token in question on BNB Chain is a bridged version of wstETH created by Wormhole and Axelar. The admin for the token is a 3-of-5 multisig composed of two Lido contributors, one member from the Wormhole Foundation, one member from xLabs (a core contributor to Wormhole), and one member from the Axelar Foundation. Following a report from Oxorio regarding issues with the initial proposed deployment, the Wormhole-Axelar team remedied the issues, after which the Lido DAO voted to recognize the bridge as canonical. Currently, on-chain supply and holders are low, though we anticipate that further use cases — such as listing on Venus — will increase demand for the asset on BNB Chain.

Usage on Venus

wstETH is one of the most popular collateral assets across all borrow/lend protocols and is currently listed on Venus’ Liquid Staked ETH pool. Its supply in this pool grew rapidly to 10K after listing but has since been flat. Borrows, meanwhile, have been volatile and relatively low, as is expected for a yield-bearing asset.

Collateral Factor

We recommend setting the CF equal to weETH in this pool.

Interest Rate Curve

We recommend aligning the IR curve with similar assets on the Venus protocol.

Supply and Borrow Cap

Given wstETH’s long history and the DAO’s acceptance of the bridged token, we recommend setting the supply cap at 2x the liquidity available under the Liquidation Incentive. Using this methodology, we recommend an initial supply cap of 50 wstETH.

Given limited observed demand for wstETH borrowing, we recommend setting the borrow cap at 10% of the supply cap.

Pricing wstETH

Given that wstETH’s on-chain DEX liquidity is limited, as well as its robust peg stability and demonstrated mean reversion, we recommend pricing the asset according to its exchange rate.

Additional Parameters

  • Close Factor - 50%
  • Liquidation Incentive - 2%
  • minLiquidatableCollateral 100 USD


Following the above analysis, we recommend listing wstETH on BNB Chain within the Liquid Staked ETH isolated pool. We recommend the following parameter settings, including updated parameters for WETH and weETH in the pool, noting that we recommend setting WETH’s CF to 0% to avoid WETH-WETH looping:

Asset wstETH WETH weETH
Chain BNB Chain BNB Chain BNB Chain
Pool Liquid Staked ETH Liquid Staked ETH Liquid Staked ETH
Collateral Factor 90% 0% 90%
Liquidation Threshold 93% 0% 93%
Supply Cap 50 450 400
Borrow Cap 5 400 200
Kink 45% 80% 45%
Base 0% 0% 0%
Multiplier 9% 3.5% 9%
Jump Multiplier 75% 80% 75%
Reserve Factor 25% 15% 25%

Very good move, it has my full support.