Proposal: Venus Stars Program Renewal 2024

Also, maybe invest some serious funds in twiter tasks, so we can have more visibility. Followers, likes, shares… Etc.
Can ambassadors create Twitter campaigns with this funds?

Thanks Dominik, appreciated.
Additionally, I would like to suggest an addition: a chapter with specific objectives and goals for the budgeted period, for example

  • Events, conferences, trade fairs already short listed?
  • Geographical regions that are currently underrepresented but desired?
  • Targeted user interactions and number of token holders?
  • Already planned collaborations with influencers (currently there is surprisingly little Venus content available online by third parties)
  • What KPIs do we use to evaluate the sustainable success of the program?

One more thing, where to find these monthly reports?

Very supportive for this proposal. It’s very important to get this program in order to educate, inform and guide the community and new users around the world to Venus.

IRL events, AMA, offline events are key for the success of Venus. Let’s keep growing together.



I strongly support this proposal.

Implementing this program is vital to educate, inform, and guide the community and new users globally about Venus.

As we grow further, it’s important to expand Venus’s reach worldwide with the Ambassadors through IRL events, online events, and more. Bring it on! :fire:


I support the Venus Stars Program.

Venus continues to be developed to be a safe and attractive service, but without users, it is meaningless.

I believe that it is important to increase the number of users and service collaboration by making individuals and corporations around the world aware of Venus through the activities of Venus Stars.


I hope that Venus star program can drive the Venus protocol and let more people know about the Venus protocol. At the same time, I hope that the Venus community will become more and more actively.


I fully support the proposal! In Argentina, Venus has great potential, as the CeFi world is being regulated by the CNV, and that’s where the DeFi world comes to the rescue.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much information available, and this proposal aims to change that.
Wishing you the best of luck, and you have all my support.

I’d like to gratz @ChristoWarriorCrypto for his support within the Spanish comunity. :clap:


Honestly everything is very well detailed and explained very well. The ambassadors program is very crucial to the expansion of Venus.

The stipends offered are nothing compared to the value that it brings, I have been in Crypto long enough to know that even a memecoin moderator gets paid atleast $200 a week.

We should all be thankful that our ambassadors are willing to go to irl events, host AMAs with partners, Host ama with our community, keep us updated at all times, keep scam links away from the chats, offer help in different languages. It’s honestly priceless action :heart:

I fully endorse this proposal and hope to see it live asap.


As we can see on the charts, the inflow of users and staked XVS is getting higher. That probably means the program is working fine. It’s way better than paying thousands of $ for influencer that doesn’t care/

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Hi Gregor, in case you refer to my post, you got me wrong. Certainly, I like the Venus Stars Program to further grow and develop. But if this is meant to be a discussion about the proposed budget, it is obvious to check the previous / current budget and see how it was used. And budgeting typically comes with defined objectives. For good reasons this pretty common almost everywhere. That is all what I have asked for.

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Hello C0sty,

I just found the reason why we are missing images in the original proposal, so I am working on restoring to make it complete again so everyone can check it. Yes, it will be the same as before. The budget is held in stablecoins, so stipends will be distributed/paid in XVS bought from the market. The original budget was $259.2K for 6 months in 2022 (VIP-66: link). Since we were mostly filling ambassador positions and training them at this time, the budget lasted until the middle of 2023.

The budget for 2023 was proposed at $484.15K, but since we covered a significant part of the year from the previous budget, we asked for $220K in the end (VIP-167: link). This again lasted until the middle of 2024, mainly because we built many connections, allowing us to get free tickets and significant discounts to participate on the events. Additionally, some ambassadors left us during the year, so we plan to onboard more people to cover all needed regions so we can attend more events and have active moderators who can help at events. Managing a booth alone can be challenging.

Marketing activities will be under the supervision of the Vanguard team and the new CMO, with whom we work closely. It is necessary to be careful with similar campaigns since most are tracked by the new X algorithms, and the actions taken are then canceled. We must ensure we do not get a shadowban.


Hello surge, ill reply you later today when original doc will be restored and when some of the information I need reaches me. Just so you don’t think I didn’t notice the question. :wink:

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The original draft has been restored and now includes all the missing information. Regarding the goals, the philosophy, objectives, and activities were already outlined in the initial proposal and remain unchanged. In my opinion, it is not necessary to set specific numerical goals, as many data points are very difficult to measure.

Events, conferences, and activities are planned at least one month in advance. However, we do occasionally receive last-minute invitations, or we have to adapt to the delay from other sides so we strive to participate whenever possible. We also consider the potential ROI, as some events may not be very beneficial. Planning is managed by the Event Planner Lead, who consults with the CMO regarding participation in larger conferences.

Open positions for regional representation are listed on our community website, which will be updated in the coming days. We also plan to display these positions on our Telegram community so that interested users can easily see and apply. I have included a link to the website at the end of the proposal.

Cooperation with influencers will be managed by the Vanguard team. All contacts we receive will be added to the KOLs list and communicated with by the Vanguard team. They are also working on a public Notion page that will provide detailed updates on all their and our joint activities, categorized for easy overview.

The Vanguard team CMO will also collaborate with us on KPIs to enhance engagement. As for a monthly report, I am not sure if it is necessary to allocate resources or time to this. We already have the Venus Stars Lounge where we publish media content about our global activities and an online event calendar accessible to everyone. The VenusStars program is already highly transparent, more so than any other Ambassador program, in my opinion.

Of course, there are certain things we can share and some we cannot. It is not prudent to reveal our entire strategy to competitors.

To be fair, I don’t think that BNB Martians or Binance Angels share even 10% of what we share with the community. :sweat_smile:


Hello Dominik, thanks for restoring the tables and graphics from the initial program proposal. I think it would be helpful to have the schematics with regions / planned number of events updated regularly to serve as a basis for the budgeting process.

Where is this?

This calendar is completely empty T.T

To be fair, I think that BNB Martians and Binance Angels are not organized as DAO. They don’t need to ask a DAO to approve their budget :wink:

Thank you @msantillan for your words and gratitude. It is a pleasure and an honor for me to collaborate with this great team of professionals that are part of the Venus Stars program. Above all, I am committed to supporting our community members with their questions. Our dedication lies with each one of those who make up the community, and we will continue to work hard to bring Venus Protocol to more people. :hugs: :saluting_face: