Venus Ambassador Program Proposal

Specialists in Remote Communities

Project’s name

“Venus Stars” Program


Danny, Venus Community Lead (CrYpToLoGiC_010)


Decentralized Finance is an alternative that seeks to give users the freedom to manage their assets without intermediaries or third parties such as the banking sector, for example. There exists an urgent need to inform, educate, and guide all people who want to be part of the change and are unsure where to start.

The most important principle of financial decentralization is individual responsibility. However, not many people are prepared to take this step without advice or support. In addition to the above, people naturally feel more secure as part of a larger community, which is why at Venus Protocol we believe guidance and service are two of the fundamental pillars on which this proposal is based.

Hence, at Venus Protocol we have thought of creating a program where leaders of those communities who have understood the importance of community growth, and who are capable of helping users who want to belong to this new model of finance in web 3, can carry out activities online and offline with the guarantee that given the right guidance, more adoption and deeper knowledge can be achieved.

It has been said, on different occasions, that knowledge is power, and that is exactly why we want to give users the power to manage their finances and obtain real profits from a solid and reliable foundation that the Venus Stars program will provide.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the enormous importance that proper training and support has within the entire crypto ecosystem, and that it is the only way to learn about the value proposition that decentralized finance brings from the hand of Venus Protocol, paving the correct path to operate with the protocol and the immense future possibilities.

Venus Stars Program Philosophy

The Philosophy of Venus Stars is based on the fact that, since the beginning of the world, the stars have served as a guide to help orient people and allow them to reach their destinations safe and sound. Navigators, for example, were guided by the big bear and Venus to know the path they should follow. That reference as a comparison is exactly what we hope to achieve with this program: to serve as a guide and accompany users in the journey through Decentralized Finance.

Venus Stars, is a program aimed at “Generating adoption of Decentralized Finance, (DeFi) and more specifically in Venus Protocol”. It is based on three main areas, education, information and guidance, and each of them has a general objective from which several activities emerge. The intention is that each user who approaches one of our communities is attended to and receives from the hands of their Star leader all the information they need to adopt decentralized finance and the Venus Protocol as the new way of investing, exchanging, earning and diversifying your assets.

Table N° 1: Philosophy of the Program

June, 2022

Infographics. No.1

June, 2022

Venus Stars Leaders

Venus Stars Leaders are people committed to supporting the growth of the Venus Protocol and the BNB chain ecosystem in their locality. Leaders called “Venus Stars” must be enthusiasts of the crypto ecosystem,have a strong grasp on decentralized finance, deep knowledge of how the Venus Protocol works, be active in their community, and with values such as responsibility and service to users. They must be able to communicate and support when required with the intention of building a strong user community that promotes the fulfillment of the main objective of the project: The adoption of the ecosystem at a global scale.

The “Venus Stars” leaders are creative, collaborative, organized and grow as they demonstrate commitment to the protocol. They are the voice of Venus Protocol throughout the regions of the world, hence their relevance to the project.

The stars of the Universe have a classification according to the intensity of their brightness and heat, which is why, like real stars, we want the leaders belonging to the Venus Stars program to be able to choose 3 ranks: Red Star, they are the smallest of the firmament and the rank that everyone obtains upon entering the program, the Yellow Star, are a little larger, but with such intensity of brightness and heat very similar to that of our sun, this classification can be reached by seniority, by collaboration , by merit, by experience, or by responsibility. The last step of leaders is blue star, who are considered the biggest stars and until now it will be the rank that the Regional program coordinators from each continent occupy.

Infographics. #2

Economic Study

Being an important piece in the construction of more adoption, as the "Venus Stars’’ program intends to be, is an ambitious project and multiplying it to each region of the world is even more so, however, we are aware that it is a task that in it’s beginnings could be voluntary for new Stars. Eventually, it should be rewarded after a few weeks of training as a way of valuing the effort that the stars will make to promote the ecosystem and the protocol in general. We want to open the door to the DeFi ecosystem to as many people as possible and bring onboard the next 1B user’s to our world. This is how Venus Protocol will contribute and grow to be THE #1 Lending & Borrowing Protocol across all chains.

Hence, the monthly salaries economic proposal in the first instance is as follows:

Table N° 2: Economic Proposal Regional Coordinators

Table N° 3: Leading Economic Proposal by Country

Taking into account the previous tables and intending to cover the remaining of this year 2022 at least 5 countries per region, it is estimated that the budget for the remaining 6 months of the year is:

Table N° 4: Budget year 2022

Please note that the actual Budget is contemplating only Level 1 and Level 3 Stars initially for the remainder of the year as Red Stars will need a minimum of 6 months of experience before they can be promoted to the Yellow Star Level and take on more tasks and responsibilities. We need our Red stars to be the best at what they do as this Ambassador program intends to make the Venus Protocol the most used Lending & Borrowing platform on BNB Chain.

The Budget for the Local face-to-face event is based on yearly average. Funds will be assigned depending on the size and reach of each event. We will be presenting an initial activity calendar for the local meet-ups to start in July shortly. Most activities will be planned in parallel with BNB Chain events. Any funds not used in 2022 will be re-assigned for 2023.

Stipends will be paid in $XVS Tokens which will be bought from the market every month with the predetermined budget and complete program transparency will be of order. A monthly report will be made available to the community.

If you are interested in applying to the Venus Star program, please complete and submit the following application form:

Applications and Interviews will be accepted and conducted until June 30th 2022.

*Update - budget renewal 2023

As we mentioned in the proposal, the unused part of the budget will also be used for the year 2023. Therefore, the originally proposed budget for the entire year 2023 (see the attached table) will not be needed, so we propose to renew the budget in the amount of $220,000 for the rest of the period.


Let’s go to the Venus! This is really great idea and i hope that Venus users will support it and we will see it live as soon as possible. We will grow everywhere! :wink:

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great idea!
Kind of a short notice for applications if we are out to get the best people for the given tasks, ain’t it?
Good luck to all taking part.


We already have a few pre-qualified community members that have been active since the beginning of the project. They will be given priority. This will help shorten the interview process.


Fantastic! Thanks Danny! I am really excited!


great idea and initiative!!

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Great motivation for every venus protocol user to participate more in venus
Good job danny

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This is a really great initiative and I believe that this will for sure boost the never ending growth of Venus Protocol🚀

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Good Job, Danny! Is good to see venus growning up so fast. Lets go put this on Mars together!
Thiago M.


Excelente propuesta Danny ya acabo de llenar el formulario para postularme como un embajador de Venus


Let’s go Venus! This will help to make DeFi mainstream… :blush:
Cannot wait to collaborate! :handshake:

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Defi Mass adoption shall follow with a plan like this. Thank you for coming out with this amazing plan. :slight_smile:

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a great opportunity to make educated people aware of all the benefits of DeFi and much better if it is hand in hand with Venus

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THIS IS what positiv feedback of the community looks like!
Could anyone please show that to the devs, so they can compare it with the feedback of the “isolated lending” idea that the devs think should be our main prio?

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Venüsün geleceği için önemli bir adım daha tebrikler :tada:

This looks approach looks great and it is something we really need. I wish applied candidates all the best.


The Ambassador program looks promising!
We are so early to crypto and we need to reach out to regions, languages and people who will benefit from what Venus has to offer. :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:

very good idea. team is growing. venus is ready for booommm

I’m interested in this position of Ambassador for venus. Hope I will be accepted for this.

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This is nice initiative by the way ,hope we can as well be thought of those who never got the opportunity to apply but wish to be part of the walk for Defi

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