Your running out of time, each pump get’s weaker and weaker, Pancake swap has had a couple of million in liquidity removed.
Binance is now on $1.2 million down $300k in a week. Considering $300k is bid at $1 you’ve not got long to get out at a discount. 2-3 weeks based on the weekly average.
A catalyst would be the Fee which should be coming any day now.
Will VAI hit parity before the stability fee get’s implemented?
We have now seen the hammer swing the other way, BUSD holders had to pay a premium for VAI. Which makes sense, VAI is overcollaterlised and visible on the blockchain, while BUSD is back mainly by commerical paper which could be graded junk for all we know, and we have no visibility on this.
The Dinosaur eggs platform Is providing another source of return for VAI holders.
If Bitcoin and your other favourite cryptos start making new all time highs how much would you be willing to pay to get them unlocked?
You will need to watch their hot wallets they are running out of VAI very quickly. and then it is frozen until around 05:00 UTC. Within 10 minutes it is usually empty again.
They finally fixed the UI and correctly advertise 0.30% fees.
They have both the highest global VAI liquidity and highest fees.
On the spectrum [low fee+TLV] to [high fee+TLV], we now have in order
Acryptos - Biswap - Pancake - Dino
MDEX, Wault, Panther are no longer competitive