I can´t repay the loan,won´t let me transfer from metamask

i can´t repay the loan

check this "Protocol is Paused"... what's going on? - #4 by minstn, looks like venus is stopped

OK so the protocal is paused. What if Bitcoin drops to 17k and they reopen it. Instant liquidations everywhere from people who were more than willing to pay their loans off NOW!! wtf
There better be some sort of grace period to give people a chance to acknowledge the protocol is up and running and to manual repay the borrow which they had on hand the whole damn time.
Why don’t they just open up the repay feature? This precautionary measure could end up doing more harm than good

Dear User’s. The protocol is currently paused. Deposits, withdrawals and liquidations have been temporarily paused. Service will be resumed on Sunday May 15th at approximately 6:40am GTM-4. Funds are SAFE.

For more details, please see this article: