VIP-4 New feature borrow cap, remove automatic Venus claims and Venus speed refresh


Contract Details

Unitroller 0xfD36E2c2a6789Db23113685031d7F16329158384 _setPendingImplementation(address) 0x8008a0897Eb2dF2C078034cA638B8f0c0a6aDE3b
New Comptroller 0x8008a0897Eb2dF2C078034cA638B8f0c0a6aDE3b _become(address) 0xfD36E2c2a6789Db23113685031d7F16329158384
Unitroller 0xfD36E2c2a6789Db23113685031d7F16329158384 _setBorrowCapGuardian(address) 0x1ca3Ac3686071be692be7f1FBeCd668641476D7e


Borrow Cap

This proposal implements a new comptroller with the “borrow caps” feature requested by the community. On each borrow, the new total borrows is checked against the borrow cap and reverts if the new total borrows is too large to prevent large borrow in every market.

The actual usage of borrow caps will come at a later date once the community understands the new feature fully. Then, it will be how to use the borrow caps and what the role of the Borrow Cap Guardian will be.

Venus Speed

In order to reduce the size of the Comptroller for both vesting updates and future changes, this proposal contains a number of size and gas optimizations. Currently, there is not enough space in the Comptroller for vesting changes, which is the main impetus for this proposal. We split this out from the remainder of the vesting changes, as these changes provide protocol users with some more immediate gas benefits. An itemized summary of the changes is as follows.

  • This proposal removes automatic Venus claims for users and also removes automatic Venus speed refresh, replacing it with _setVenusSpeed , controlled by governance.
  • Implements several related small changes related to the above to further optimize the Comptroller contract and reduce gas costs for users.

This patch is not in itself making any immediate Venus speed adjustment, it is simply removing some redundant speed change functions and giving governance more direct control.

This patch has been discussed and developed in the open, reviewed by members of the community, and tested on the Binance Smart Chain testnet. New scenario tests and fork simulations for the new contract were written. It has no major issues were found. All recommendations were taken into account for the new comptroller deployment.



perfect, !!! OK ok ok

Why are these proposals giving sxp holders more xvs when taking xvs away from xvs holders?. That makes no sense. The whole point of reducucing xvs rewards is to make the coin more valuable with less selling of xvs on market.
But instead you just moved xvs around to sxp. Binance owns most all.yhe sxp so now you’re giving more rewards to binance directly which gives binance more governance power. This proposal makes no sense.