Venus Protocol Weekly Update W38/2021

Dear Venus Community,

Everything is in progress. We are still focusing on the testing and improvement of Vault, and the work of VAI and VRT is also advancing simultaneously.


Venus Vault

After auditing and testing, we are repairing and optimizing some problems at the current code. The XVS Vault will launch in October, but the specific time is yet to be notified. Please wait for our latest notification. For more information, you can follow our Github, our code work has been very active.


VAI’s Minting has been suspended, its price is gradually returning to 1$, and the stability fee is under development.


The function/dApp for converting VRT for XVS is under development.

Venus infrastructure

Our operations team has started work on improving Venus’s infrastructure to make it more secure, scalable, and resilient.

DefireX stuck funds recovery

This week we will make a proposal to release DefireX stuck funds.


We have met a lot of exciting new partners, and cooperation with them will broaden the use of VAI. The specific details will be announced after everything is confirmed and finalized.

Venus key data this week. (Week38)

Venus Metrics Data WoW
Average Total Liquidity 3.28B$ -8.17%
Average Total Borrows 1.12B$ -10.2%
Average Available Liquidity 2.16B$ -4.1%
Average Utilisation 35.23% 4.4%