Venus Protocol Weekly Update W37/2021

Venus Protocol Weekly Update W37/2021

Dear Venus Community,

It has been a tough week. Some anonymous bad actors tried to hijack Venus, but we stopped them. The work of these next important tasks is ongoing.


Venus Vault

Some issues in the vault code and tests have been identified after thorough testing and review. We are going to delay the release and focus on fixing these issues. Security is not an option but an obligation. The new estimate for the release is early October.

Add new tokens

Venus will support TUSD soon, but since Chainlink does not yet support TUSD price feed, the execution of VIP41 has been delayed a little.

Risk Parameters

VIP41 includes an increase of the borrowing cap of Cake. This feature has been voted through and is waiting to be implemented.


VAI’s minting will be suspended as VIP41 is executed, and VAI’s stability fee is under development.


The function of exchanging VRT for XVS is under development.

DefireX stuck funds recovery

We expect to make a proposal next week to release DefireX stuck funds.


The cooperation and communication with many partners on the Venus Mission event are still in progress.

Venus key data this week. (Week37)

Venus Metrics Data WoW
Average Total Liquidity 3.57B$ -8.9%
Average Total Borrows 2.37B$ -8.4%
Average Available Liquidity 1.21B$ -10%
Average Utilisation 33.74% -0.96%