Transfer tokes by mistake to Venus Distribution wallet

Good day, Sir
Some days ago By mistake I transferred my Venus tokens to Venus distribution address.

I was transferring them between my accounts in the meta mask but as because it was for me for first time I made mistake that day.

Is it possible to send them back as because that is our family investment.
All the required prove attached:

•Transaction Hash 0x754d8aafdffb84321e3d1e63aa83bf9814c5b9fd3e05db75e9b319c586b24017
•Block Number 7607668
‘ Timestamp May-21-2021 05:36:25 PM +UTC
•Sender’s Address 0x2afa6c1e937887a496414096b256339fb476049f
•Recipient’s Address 0xfd36e2c2a6789db23113685031d7f16329158384
•Balance on sender’s account before transfer 1125.66
•Network fee 0.00057 BNB or 0.18 $

I hope you will help me to return my tokens. All information to prove it is my account I have. I am so disappointed.

Thank you so much

Please join our Global Telegram group or, get in touch with me on Telegram. We may be able to help you but it involves a lengthy and expensive process. All of the Contracts are Governed by Governance. Devs would have to spend time prepare, simulate and deploy a VIP (Governance proposal) for these assets to be withdrawn and the Community will need to approve it.

We can only send the assets back to the originating wallet and there will be a 10% recovery fee associated with your request that will be sent to the Venus Treasury.

Please join our official Telegram group (Telegram: Contact @venusprotocol) and get in touch with me. (@CrYpToLoGiC_010).

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The official Telegram group is private and I don’t have access to it(((
For me it is good to return my tokens that was lost due to a mistake

I gave you my Telegram Username above. DM me. You might have been banned from the Telegram group somehow. I can unban you.