The solution to re-peg Vai is coming

(*Cough) Insider trading (*end cough)

Looks like you could be right, they’re already behind on their deadline.

Binance a day late and a dollar short.

Let’s see if they send me a reminder this time.

17 hours later…

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Only 820K VAI remains available below par now, all sources included.

They say it is due to network conjestion.

Binance BS.
Other BSC tokens can be transferred fine. And overall, the BSC can hardly be congested. I don’t say it’s an insider opportunity or other, but not due to the network.

I don’t think it’s insider trading either you can see that no withdrawals are being made.

The spread between Binance is massive 4%+ we might see some carnage once it get’s reopened.

I’m guessing VAI is a very low priority for them and they can easily be confused.

Screenshot at 2021-10-03 14-44-55

For me it is still suspended

So, what’s this mean?! VIA?


What i want to say is:don’t use some similar words to guess or show your some thought!

VIA is VIAcoin (has been delisted a while ago) so that could be a typo

edit: just saw you can withdraw VIAcoin (VIA) but I don’t know if that was suspended too…
Or the wanted to suspend VIA and suspended VAI… who knows.

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Like I said they can easily be confused between VIA and VAI.

Every coin has their very different contract address, how do you think they will mistake or confuse them?

Like I said they can easily be confused between VIA and VAI.

Why are you so interested in VIA?BINANCE has delisted so many coins. Just as VIA and VAI has the same letters?

You stood up with the wrong foot my friend?

Why should they say VAI withdrawals are suspended due to network congestion?

In a world where they tell you that the BSC network is so congested that only suspending VAI withdrawals can make everything go back to normal: why shouldn’t the mix up via and vai and their contract addresses alltogether?

Hopefully they don’t mix up anything else…

suspended due to network congestion

That’s very normal, if you have used other chains, BINANCE or other CEX always have this kind explain even other chain worked very well.

Don’t try to guess, even in one chain also have so many wallets need to maintenance.

I think it’s more the point both are very low on the priority list, that they feel no rush to reopen and the fact that they confuse them shows this.

Other BSC coins where working fine and the chain is not conjested, as shown in the chart I posted above.

Yep it’s a generic response could be anything.

Yep it’s a generic response could be anything.

I have gave the answer, and if you have used other chain, you will see it, suspended something didn‘t need to give a real or some reason.

Don’t try to guess something meaningless.

Now open for withdraw. Arb has gone… funny that.

Yeh, and it moved toward Binance spot <1 with like 500K instead of the BSC with millions >1

I took a look at this Dinosaur new platform where half the pairs are VAI
It’s shady as F**, the UI says the fees are 0.25%, but the code that 0.30%

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Good spot, I wanted to do a bit of due dilligence on this project.

A red flag for me was the liquidity pairs.

I did a swap, it worked with 0.30% fees, but I used my own router contract, no way I grant token approval until I’ve more D.D. about it.