The solution to re-peg Vai is coming

Let’s hope this bid get’s eaten up quick. image


I arbitraged hard on this giant 600K line @ 1.15
I ended running out of VAI (and bro, I had a lot of it…) because VAI withdrawal is suspended on Binance. Still, good day.


Very good day, closest we’ve been to the peg in 3 months. Probably drop some more once the vote looks like it will pass.

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The most expensive VAI I bought was at 1.00 in early 2021, I won’t sell anything for less. Despite my breakeven is obviously >1


I was hoping it would be like DAI at some point and trade at a premium to $1 might still happen if they fix the peg.

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That’s my evil plan. Once The stability fee is enabled, all those crazy minters who trashed the VAI out for $0.7 will have to buy it back. And it’s no longer on the free market, it’s in my portfolio. I may kindly sell it back, but they’ll have to pay a premium :slight_smile:


:money_mouth_face: They can pay a 30% premium, since they where happy to sell like that.


You perfectly got the point :slight_smile:

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I think we should be careful before taking any conclusions from this recover from VAI! As I’ve said, this move is mainly due to people buying VAI looking for a profit if it reaches 1 and not due to the measures they are considering implementing (which I serously would love to know by now! Not only which are those but when they’ll take place)

Of course the mint freeze might help the price not to deviate even more, but it certainly won’t drive the price to 1

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I agree to both your points.

VAI mint freeze will stop the sell pressure and we probably won’t see any more big 400K sells from freshly minted VAI as we observed before.
The VAI recovery is also a matter of opportunity and arbitrage, but that’s no shame. One of the reason VAI recovers is popular confidence it’ll go back to 1. And this statement self-materialize, as for any cryptos. Bitcoin raises because people think it’ll raise. And so it raises, rince and repeat.

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Fringe theory they let the vote fail the first time, then the price goes back out of whack, then they scoop up as much Vai as possible.

They might even let it fail a couple of times.

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I’m totally not against people taking the oportunity to snap some profits! It’ll actually help the pair get closer to one and help the whole process!
The problem is that this is not really helping in the long term peg, people will sell their VAI as it gets closer to 1

My point is that we should be careful looking at these recent moves as this does not reveal the real impact of the measures the team is trying to implement! I only criticise this quote:

And I wish somebody within the team would explain the delay! And not only that, but within the Venus Governance Telegram, an admin answered positively on whether the second part was going to be released before past sunday


If that happened, a lot of the credibility would be lost! Which I don’t think they can even afford that

But we’ll have to wait and trust the team

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Slightly off-topic, but I found one of the reason the VAI got better, beyond the VIP:
This 380K VAI liquidation
While the amount is close, it doesn’t look related to the 388K mint that dropped the peg a few days ago.


It should be explained well in advance, I don’t get the need for the cloak and dagger.

Feels very unprofessional the constant moving of goal posts and mixed messaging.


Simply love it how these mods change their speech as they wish


Now, the first phase is yet to come (which we all thought was the mint freeze), and they even have the balls to tell people to read the weekly updates when in this particular proposal, released by them, they completely mislead the community

My question to all the Venus mods and team, why wasn’t the complete plan for VAI presented until past sunday, like YOU mentioned on this proposal? At least be honest

They want to profit as much as possible from the price swings.

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STOP THE STEAL!!! When are you going to release full details of this plan?