The solution to re-peg Vai is coming

Be careful about asking too many questions your account might get banned!


My entry for the logo competition.

  1. The systemic risk is far bigger on Planet than on Venus (both non-null, but Planet higher)
  2. Liquidity is two orders of magnitude higher on Venus. If the volume on Venus were deposited on Planet, and vice-versa, the yield would get reversed.
  3. Feel free to deposit your stables on Green. You can even go with Swamp to have an extra layer of compound (and of risk).

That’s the advantage of not having high TVL they can take more risks and add more features.

Venus has $2Bn in assets, which makes them need to tread carefully, but with $13 million in the treasury Venus could spend some money on a couple of devs and get a few new features issues.

The development speed feels more like paralysis than treading carefully.

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This, is definitively the issue with Venus, and hardly excusable. I’m waiting for VAI fee for one year now.

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The board has voted to capitalize the @anchor_protocol yield reserve by 450M UST.

Yields staying the same @20% :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

no news … disgusting … delaying infinitely


one question… with the VAI staked in vault , is Venus doing something to get some revenue with them? or are they just staked and standing in the vault without generating any benefit for the protocol? thanks

No benefit to the protocol!

Which is why the stability fee is needed, as that will be paid to the protocol if VAI goes off peg.

Venus is a joke all they have managed this year is two failed votes and agreeing on a logo.

No news on the swap either


Looks like Terra is moving in the direction of collateralisation.

Only 10% but still.

hey guys… mods said in Telegram that this wednesday 2nd March they will make an announcement about Vai Stability fee :ok_hand:

be careful: They just said “Wednesday”! Better you don’t assume that they meant “this Wednesday”.


hahaha That is so true!!!

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Probably an announcement of an announcement.

For example: The Stability fee is being audited will update soon…


The announcement was that stability fee has been delayed again due to war & other issues


a whale just removed the liquidity from pancake and paid back the vai borrow … just imagine a big liquidation now… could we see 1 vai = 2 usd?

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are you guys still accumulating VAIs ?

Our code is blocked due to supply chain issues, we are having trouble finding a new enter key.

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I’ve kinda given up and jumped ship to Anchor UST. I did buy some back when it spiked.

Looks like this has aged well.

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Possible but it would just be bots which would make it impossible for us to catch anything from it.

What I think happens is they race each other and the loosing bot(s) ends up dumping the Vai back into the market immediately counteracting the spike