Release VAI minting to all community

It has been a while since Venus has reenable Vai minting only for Primes, wich is clear for a while that the Prime interest\demand for Vai isnt near expectations… Borrowed out 4-5 milions from a total of 10 milions avaible to be minted at this stage…

The fee mechanism is working as intended forcing people to repay their borrow or pay huge fees to the Protocol…

Venus could do a trial with the current quarter keeping the minting cap at 10 m VAI… and after the quarter decide to increase or even to remove this CAP… As if VAI wanna to grow we really need to remove this CAP…

Open Venus borrow for VAI, removing the Vault… allowing VAI to grow and expand…(at core pool, with XVS incentives)

This can be done step by step, first removing Minting for only Primes… then removing the CAP and enabling borrow of VAI…soo Venus can build reserves to get into RWA.