Dear Venus Community:
689 days ago (Apr-03-2022 09:00:47 AM +UTC), I sent approximately 689 XVS to the XVS Token Smart Contract address by mistake from my wallet address: (0xf31acE72428501B9e8C1AF7b9FB1C6E754d65C33) and therefore it was not possible for me to retrieve my XVS tokens.
You can check the link below for transaction details:
Below the transaction summary:
Transaction Hash:
Block: 16619106
19563044 Block Confirmations
689 days 9 hrs ago (Apr-03-2022 09:00:47 AM +UTC)
Transaction Action: Transfer 689.091189999842697214 XVS To Venus: XVS Token
From: 0xf31acE72428501B9e8C1AF7b9FB1C6E754d65C33
Interacted With (To): 0xcF6BB5389c92Bdda8a3747Ddb454cB7a64626C63 (Venus: XVS Token)
After the erroneous transaction, I contacted the administrators to inquire whether the transaction could be reversed, but at that time it was not possible.
Since then, the Venus Team has changed, and many innovations have been made to Venus Protocol with the contributions of the community. The current economic situation I am going trough at this time is difficult and it is for this reason that I kindly ask for the help of the Community to issue a VIP so that I could recover my much-needed funds. I will be forever grateful.
To compensate for the community’s effort, I am willing to offer a bounty of 10% (68.9 XVS) to be sent to the Venus Treasury to compensate for the work involved in testing, voting, deploying, and executing the proposal.
Kind Regards, Onur.