Proposal Idea: Alter daily rewards to: 25% Supply, 25% Borrow, 25% Vai Stake, 25% XVS Suppliers

Originally posted by MissBee

I think that by altering the daily rewards from the current format to this one:

25% Supply,
25% Borrow,
25% Vai Stake,
25% XVS Suppliers

  1. Currently XVS holders do not get any additional benefits for holding XVS. This puts it at a competitive disadvantage to other platforms.

  2. By splitting the rewards with XVS holders it would also encourage protocol users to hodl XVS, decreasing selling volume and increasing the benefits of holding XVS.


I agree on this proposal :white_check_mark:

1 Like

I second this idea because it will bring added value to XVS

It’s a great proposal. I’m all for it

According to JL, upcoming VIP-4 proposal will address that. XVS holders will earn the highest APY.