Proposal 1: Venus multi token economic proposal (Community)

+1 voting for no. I…….

+1 for this draft. When we have final?


I think for the future success of the protocol it is important to have a currency to pay internal fees which could be payed in VRT. For example interest and minting fees for minting VAI should be paid with VRT and VRT should be used to back VAI peg to 1$. Furthermore there should be implemented an option to sell your assets when supplying in venus protocol to avoid withdrawal and sending assets to to another dex. With this option you can save time to avoid liquidation and it makes it more convenient for the user. When selling your assets you will either get VAI or VRT which will be automatically put in an VAI or VRT vault to decrease your borrow limit. Fees for this transaction will be paid by VRT. I do not like predicting option like they do in Pancakeswap (seems like copying) the lottery is totally OK. Please take into consideration to implement vXVS vault in protocol, by implementing vXVS vault the XVS borrow apy could be injected into vXVS vault.


Yes, I like this proposal and not saying Venus is same to other projects, but this double token mechanism (security/utility) has been adopted by many other projects, such as Theta/Tfuel, Ont/Ong, etc. And they have been working well so far.

Regarding the SEC or government regulations on utility token, that would be a separate question, and this would be a cryptocurrency industry question, not only for Venus.


I vote YES to this. The VRT token was created for a reason, lets give it a proper use case and bring life into it.


There is no best proposal, there will always be people who feel ripped off. I prefer the single token and not bring in the lottery and prediction crap like al those other mushroom defi’s, Venus was a new and classy lending platform and now you want to be like all the rest. I vote proposal 2 so that the main focus can be on 1 coin and a long term roadmap…


The first option is only to deal with the bad problems left by JL, and the second option is the future. What we want is the development of xvs, not to do more for vrt…

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I VOTE ABOSOLUTELY YES for this proposal! It is a much better and fairer model than 2 it cannot be compared at all. Multi token economic offers much greater opportunities for the development of the entire project in many respects.


I had forgoted one important new measure to be handled as well… after this being aproved… Binance Validator… we can be at top 21 validators… using the Bnb we have supplied into Venus… why?

Well we have a bad debit wich has to be paid… and we took 3,3 m XVS for that purpose…

With the bnb earning from Validator we could speed up the repayment of bad debit… Bnb has huge volume daily soo it wouldnt affect the price … and for us community it would save us a lot XVS that would return to the protocol.

Once we do pay our debit we could share the bnb earnings with XVS holders that are with Venus staked at the protocol… soo we would repay our debit and would add another extra source of income to the protocol, giving Venus extra income besides the lending protocol.

Soo our rewards would be VRT, XVS and Bnb after bad debit paid… the same way we could use ETH staked to get BETH staking earnings…

We do have ETH, BNB, DOT, ADA and SXP wich can be an outside income to repay debit faster and allow all XVS holders to get extra rewards besides the current ones…

Soo imagine we use and be present at all those 5 projects and all months we got rewarded with that coins besides what we do earn at Venus already… no other protocol has such usecase…

Im pretty sure if we doing this we wont need to sell even 200k-400k of XVS at the market…

Beside this we would be giving XVS something that any other crypto coin has done soo far… … this should shield and reforce XVS value in medium long time.


+1 for Proposal #1.

It is significantly better to the alternative (Proposal #2), and it is inline with the original expectations of XVS holders, before the black swan manipulation event. We should keep VRT and grow the Venus ecosystem with XVS as Governance and VRT as the gas/fuel for Venus (similar to THETA and THETA Fuel as intended by JL).

I’d like to understand more about the VRT/VAI line item in this proposal. This wouldn’t be similar to the economic model and TITAN catastrophe right?

We should also make sure that XVS and VRT collateral/borrow factor is sufficiently low, so another bad actor cannot liquidate themselves of their XVS or VRT and hold onto the borrowed assets and crash the price of either XVS or VRT.




I don’t think it’s a fair vote.
The first proposal is much more elaborated than the second one.
They are hard to compair…

We realy need to give XVS a meaning to hold, a way to support the price of XVS.
I would like to see that a portion of interest payments will flow to XVS holders with a buyback and burn meganism.

What I mis in both proposals is why Venus and BSC should have a stable Dollar like Vai?
I don’t see any purpose for this coin, could you explain why Venus should continue with Vai?
I can think of some reasons why Venus should quit with Vai:

VAI rewards are deluting XVS holders, VAI is difficult to Peg. VAI is making less people borrow Stable coins. Binance already has BUSD…

If we keep Vai, I think it would be better to change name to VUSD.
People that don’t know Venus but do use pancakeswap will not know that Vai is a Dollar Pegged (unstable) Coin.

Make XVS great again!

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VAI (decentralized) is very distinct from BUSD (backed by a company). Also, it is historically predated by DAI on the ethereum blockchain. For some reading, try googling “What is the point of DAI”.
The VAI dollar peg will take some time, just as it did for DAI.

I think we should get away from VAI.

Why do we continue to try and peg VAI? It’s a complex process to peg to a $1 and be a stablecoin. IMHO Venus should focus on lending and borrowing with VXS and VRT and shouldn’t have resources try to constantly monitor and tackle the VAI peg.

  • vote for this one!

I vote for this one.


Thanks Danny for the great work!
I am in FULL support for proposal #1, good to see putting VRT into action. This proposal should help increases TVL of XVS Protocol and attracts more users. Keep it up!


I like this proposal


+1 I vote for this👍🏻


+, the best proposal :star_struck: