Phishing and Brand Abuse protection for Venus

We all know how Phishing affects the space, brands and users.

We would like to offer PHISHFORT services of protection against Phishing and Brand Abuse to the community of Venus so you can have a scam free experience for all users

How we fight Phishing:
We rely on detection through an AI plus a powerful blocklist and integrations to achieve fast takedowns.

  1. Websites and Domains are sorted using Machine Learning Technology. We have designed special harvesters to fetch information from:
  • Newly Registered Domains
  • SSL certificate registrations
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Passive DNS sources
  • Linked asset discovery
  • and 20 more…
  1. Mobile Application Monitoring:
    Google play, AppStore and more than 130 third party app stores. (We cover everything that Google can find on third party app stores)

  2. Social Media
    We monitor major platforms with harvesters tailored designed for each of them. We don’t only have a way of finding threats that are already set there but we have ways of engaging with scammers for a proactive approach.

Everything we find is filtered and organized and it has a final layer of supervision done by our team of Cybersecurity Professionals. They work 24/7 (we have 3 teams in different time zones). If they decide that it is an ongoing attack that needs to be taken down :arrow_right: goes to our BLOCKLIST.

Phishfort BLOCKLIST:

  • Every attack we find is blocklisted.

  • Our Blocklist is consumed by many actors: Web Browsers, Anti viruses, Internet providers, specific Web 3 actors (like Metamask) and many others. It currently reaches more than 405 million users.

  • This is all instantaneous and it creates a FIRST LAYER OF DEFENSE before the takedown happens.

The removal of the URL, the social media account or the app.

:globe_with_meridians:We do it through a wide network of registrars and host providers. With some we are directly integrated with.
:spiral_notepad: Everything we do it’s based on evidence collection. We know what they require to execute a takedown
:iphone: Managed Intervention : Our takedown process is totally hands free - we don’t require you to lift a finger.
:judge: Legal team on board. We use legal procedures like DMCA.
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Real time tracking: Follow and track the entire process on our dashboard.


  1. Venus will have a private communication channel (Telegram or Slack) and the people in that channel are the professionals working for Venus 24/7. They answer in the moment and you can report anything that you want us to analyze or take down.

  2. Free plugin: we have a free browser plugin that feeds out from our Blacklist. You can check if we have flagged a site as dangerous or not and you can report a site to take down.

  3. The Dashboard: you will have access to the dashboard where we show all the information of every incident that we find. In the dashboard you’ll find the third way that you can report an incident to us.

Some of the projects that we protect are: Metamask, MEW, OpenSea, Pancake Swap, Linch and many others.

Protection Packages

  1. Detection Package: This is our standard price for Detection (Including Unlimited Website, Domain and Social Media Detection) and for every takedown we charge a fee.

  2. Unlimited takedowns package. We can work on a fixed fee for detections and unlimited takedowns: we will estimate the amount of activity you will have in a year to determine the fee. Then you will pay the same even if you are having 10 or 100 takedowns. This option is the one that our crypto related clients usually choose because the attacks are sometimes seasonable and you don’t have to worry about how many takedowns we are executing.

Hoping that the Venus Community can find this proposal appealing to discuss. I’ll be available to answer any questions that you may have.


Good idea, it’s full of phishing out there


Nice proposal. But no clear information about specific fees.


Excellent proposal, this would be of great help to Venus and we would combat phishing and prevent many inexperienced users from falling into the hands of these phishing people.

But we would like to know the price of the services you offer.


It sounds good to me but I would also be interested in the price for these services.

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Excelente noticia, esto sin duda protege al protocolo y a todos los usuarios

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Hi @wonderomg , @quest , @ChristoWarriorCrypto , @RicardoBullTraders , @panabert thank you for your interest! I uploaded the prices in a reply to the post :slight_smile: