New Listing Proposal Automation

DeFiSafety has completed a “New Listing Automation” for Compound Finance that might be useful for Proposals on Venus. You can try it here for yourself. Here are example completed reports for Sky and rEth. The Checklists used to develop this automation were designed by Open Zeppelin for Compound. We can easily reduce the complexity to fit Venus’ needs.

This automation makes it easier for the proposer of a new token to list on Venus because they know what questions you want answered. The automation guides the proposer through all the information they need to provide. The output of the automation is in markdown. The proposer can edit or just paste it into the forum for publishing.

Our automation is better for the Venus community for several reasons. First, it adds 10 automated checks on the token code (delegate calls, deny list, math protection and more). There is a “red flag” section at the top that highlights areas of concern from the analysis. Next, the question format for filling out the form will pull more complete information from the applicants, improving the quality of future applications. Finally the fixed format of the output report will make finding information and seeing what is left out much easier for the community when they read the applications.

We can change the questions and change the automated token checks to meet your requirements and continue to adapt the automation as your needs change. If you are interested in hearing more, please reach out. Venus is a great protocol. We would love to help improve it.

Let us know your thoughts. Thanks for your time.

This seems to be an interesting proposal. Venus can add the “New Listing Automation” feature, but the actual risk parameters need further confirmation by Chaos Labs, otherwise it can only be listed at isolated pool.