Issue after swap (can't see the swaped ammount)

Hi there just made a swap of 317 TUSD to bnb with the swap feature on venus.
the value Never showed up in my account.
(The value actually showed up but it’s not what it was supposed to)

Can someone check? Am i missing something here?

Here’s th link to my account on block explorer.

It’s the last tansaction there.
The transaction is registered. but the amount never showed up in my account.

Here’s the transaction i’m talking about

Just made a quick check to try understand what hapened.

It seems when trying to swap TUSD to something else the value assumed is way less that it’s supposed to.

check my print screen.
if i swap TUSD to USDT it will only be 28usdt (which is what i received on that transaction).

What’s happening here?
1TUSD should be around 1USDT am I right?

You ever figured out what happened?

Not really but i can guess.
they probably had an error in the new TUSD contract and when i made the swap it assumed the value way lower than what it was supposed to.
If i had exchanged it to USDT i would see the value wasn’t right.
but i made the swap for BNB, i trusted the value of USDT would be right and when it converted it gave me back only 0.12 BNB (around 25$). I exchanged 317 TUSD.

The thing is that no one from Venus replied here or came back in any way to apologise, explain or try to help.

I tried the pancake swap help as Venus use their API but they basically told me that if i used Venus i had to ask support from Venus.

Tell me where…

Even if i try it now the price is still not right.

You can try yourself.
go into swap and swap 300 TUSD into USDT you’ll see it will give you only 58 USDT

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I’ve pinged them on telegram, let’s see if a venus star who could be an expert has to say about this

Venus swap uses pancakeswap V2 liquidity and pancakeswap has moved to v3 so liquidity is drying up (most noticeably for TUSD) .

Appreciate you bringing this up, team will work to resolve it. As for your loss, I hope knowing the reason behind this gives you some closure. Sorry for your loss :pensive: