TL:DR version:
Another project on BSC (don’t) know if I am allowed to post the name here has a section on its homepage that allows users (that don’t know how to interact with a smart contract themselfes) to liquidate underwater positions via the main pages GUI. I don’t know if this topic was raised before and I am not really good at english, so I wouldn’t want to write a proposal or something like that… But I am interested in feedback concerning the idea as such.
Good Day everyone,
I have read the fantastic Liquidation Guide on Venus Protocol by XENEIZEP2P
and I came across the section
Can I be a liquidator?
and the corresponding answer:
Yes, anyone can be a liquidator. You only need to know how to interact with the function corresponding to the vToken smart contract, find a person in a liquidation position, BNB to pay for the gas fee of the network, and money to pay the loan. Bots are often programmed to do this in a few seconds, so manual settlement, while not impossible, is often difficult (although it can be attempted).
As I don’t know how to “interact with the function corresponding to the vToken smart contract, find a person in a liquidation position” I was wondering if this could get easier for the “average Joe”
Another project on BSC (don’t) know if I am allowed to post the name here has a section on its homepage that allows users (that don’t know how to interact with a smart contract themselfes) to liquidate underwater positions via the main pages GUI. I don’t know if this topic was raised before and I am not really good at english, so I wouldn’t want to write a proposal or something like that… But I am interested in feedback concerning the idea as such.
Kind regards