Emissions Adjustments for ETH Mainnet


This proposal aims to adjust the XVS emissions on the Ethereum Mainnet based on a thorough analysis of TVL proportions and sensitivity to emission adjustments. The analysis includes categorizing markets into two tiers, assessing the impact of past emission changes, and making informed recommendations for emission adjustments. The following table presents the proposed new emission adjustments:

Pool Market New Allocation (Change)
Core WETH 844 (-25%)
Core WBTC 2,531 (-25%)
Core USDT 3,038 (-10%)
Core USDC 3,038 (-10%)
Core crvUSD 750 (-50%)
Core FRAX 300 (-50%)
Core sFRAX 300 (-50%)
Core TUSD 100 (-50%)
Core DAI 250 (-50%)
Curve CRV 188 (-50%)
Curve crvUSD 188 (-50%)
LST ETH ETH 16,500 (-10%)
LST ETH wstETH 1,800 (-50%)
LST ETH sfrxETH 400 (-50%)
Total 30,225 (-21%)



All prices and market TVLs are considered for July 12, 2024

TVL Analysis

The TVL participation for each market is analyzed to filter out the most significant markets. The goal is to identify markets that hold a significant portion of the total TVL and categorize them into two tiers.

  • Tier 1: Markets with more than 5% in TVL
  • Tier 2: Markets with less than 5% in TVL

The following table shows the TVL participation:

Pool Market Supply Amount Borrow Amount TVL Proportion
Core WETH $7,250,000 $1,650,000 5.53%
Core WBTC $8,530,000 $4,080,000 7.84%
Core USDT $4,590,000 $3,750,000 5.18%
Core USDC $4,940,000 $3,920,000 5.51%
Core crvUSD $1,700,000 $1,370,000 1.91%
Core FRAX $424,650 $360,740 0.49%
Core sFRAX $1,780,000 $925,250 1.68%
Core TUSD $1,000,000 $303,780 0.81%
Core DAI $770,770 $500,190 0.79%
Curve CRV $220,000 $120,000 0.21%
Curve crvUSD $371,000 $94,410 0.29%
LST ETH ETH $39,000,000 $32,650,000 44.53%
LST ETH wstETH $31,880,000 $8,740,000 25.24%
LST ETH sfrxETH $896,250 $358,620 0.78%

The Tier 1 markets identified are WETH, WBTC, USDT, USDC, ETH, and wstETH, as they have more than 5% in TVL. All other markets fall into Tier 2.

Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis aims to determine how responsive each market is to changes in emissions. This helps in understanding which markets are more sensitive and how they should be treated during emission adjustments.

The following table showcases the effects of past emission adjustments on the TVL for specific markets:

Market Event Supply Difference Borrow Difference
vUSDC_Core Emissions reduced 25% -15.85% -16.87%
vUSDT_Core Emissions reduced 25% -14.83% -14.02%
vWBTC_Core Emissions reduced 25% 4.18% 1.74%
vWETH_Core Emissions reduced 25% 8.01% 52.41%
vWETH_LiquidStakedETH No change 2.21% 0.54%
vwstETH_LiquidStakedETH No change 0.04% 0.10%
vUSDC_Core Emissions reduced 100% -34.73% -43.89%
vUSDT_Core Emissions reduced 100% -55.35% -57.37%
vWBTC_Core Emissions reduced 100% -35.56% -63.39%
vWETH_Core Emissions reduced 100% -37.00% -36.05%
vWETH_LiquidStakedETH Emissions reduced 100% -61.05% -62.64%
vwstETH_LiquidStakedETH Emissions reduced 100% -1.34% -0.34%
vUSDC_Core Emissions restored 4.17% 23.21%
vUSDT_Core Emissions restored 44.28% 41.78%
vWBTC_Core Emissions restored 30.84% 80.11%
vWETH_Core Emissions restored 74.89% 70.00%
vWETH_LiquidStakedETH Emissions restored 28.91% 32.44%
vwstETH_LiquidStakedETH Emissions restored -2.89% -2.59%

Graph of Sensitivity Analysis

Market sensitivity will be calculated by averaging the relative variation in TVL over 3 days before and after the change in emissions.

Market TVL Sensitivity to Emission Adjustments:

Pool Market TVL Sensitivity to Emission Reductions
Core WETH 18.26%
Core WBTC 24.74%
Core USDT 57.03%
Core USDC 52.37%
LST ETH ETH 61.85%
LST ETH wstETH 0.28%

*Note: An increase in TVL after the emission change is considered to have a sensitivity of 0, indicating no negative effects from the emission changes.

Final Recommendations

Based on the analysis of TVL participation and sensitivity to emission changes, the final recommendations for emission adjustments are made. Markets with significant TVL and high sensitivity to emission changes are given priority to maintain their stability, while less significant and less sensitive markets are subject to greater reductions.

Pool Market Current Monthly Allocations Adjustment New Allocation
Core WETH 1,125 25% 844
Core WBTC 3,375 25% 2,531
Core USDT 3,375 10% 3,038
Core USDC 3,375 10% 3,038
Core crvUSD 1,500 50% 750
Core FRAX 600 50% 300
Core sFRAX 600 50% 300
Core TUSD 200 50% 100
Core DAI 500 50% 250
Curve CRV 375 50% 188
Curve crvUSD 375 50% 188
LST ETH ETH 18,333 10% 16,500
LST ETH wstETH 3,600 50% 1,800
LST ETH sfrxETH 800 50% 400
Total 38,133 20% 30,225