DOT supply dries due low interest

I want to withdraw my DOT coins from Venus but I can’t since there are no real supply.
BNB and CAKE has high interest rates even with many available supply at Venus.

But there are no supply available for DOT and lenders still get %10 while borrowers take it for %12.5

I don’t think if this fair. Because I cannot withdraw my DOT coins. If there are no supply available, than interest rates for DOT need to be much more higher to create new liquidity.

Who can help us on this?


Solved with VIP-54. Thanks!


You sure about that?!


VIP-54 is about adding UST and Luna nothing about dot and it is still waiting to be executed.

Good news is you got it out, as once again the liquidity has dried up with only $286 available.

I’m not entirely sure on this but I think it has something to do with Parachain Slot Auctions

I still can’t withdraw my DOTS but I think you need to read proposal full name, which is:

VIP-54 Add UST & LUNA Market + DOT Interest Update

and when executed, DOT interest ratio will jump to %100 will create enough liquidity to withdraw our DOTs OR I can live with %100 ratio for some more time…


Woops lol, didn’t see that, was just Luna and UST on VIP53.


Usually takes 48h to execute after being queued so should be ready in the next 2-3 hours.