Convert portion of USDT/USDC reserves in treasury to FDUSD

With the Binance launchpad events, there is high demand for FDUSD and BNB causing high supply apy. Venus is earning a good amount with BNB, but not much on FDUSD even with high APY of around 40-50%.

There is an opportunity for Venus to earn additional income by converting portion of USDC/USDT reserves from treasury to FDUSD and supply to Venus.


I just calculated an example with the fact that we would have 24 Launchpools per year for 4 days on average, I took into account the lower value of about 12% USDC APY (which we currently have deposited from the Treasury) and I calculated about 40% APY on FDUSD during the Launchpools and 2% currently without. The result is quite similar, for me personally, until the demand for FDUSD grows even without Launchpool together with the liquidity on BNB Chain, it is probably not necessary to change it. Anyway, for the future, it might be useful if FDUSD had a similar APY to other stablecoins. :wink:

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