Chaos Labs - Risk Parameter Updates - 10/09/2023


  1. snBNB
    1. Increase supply cap to 3,000
    2. Increase borrow cap to 800
  2. agEUR
    1. Increase supply cap to 250,000
    2. Increase borrow cap to 200,000


The recommendations below were made utilizing Chaos’ supply and borrow cap methodologies and after analyzing user positions for each asset.


Following the launch of snBNB on the LST Isolated Pool, the Supply and Borrow Cap Utilization have reached 59% and 100%, respectively.

We recommend increasing the supply cap to 3,000 and setting the borrow cap at 800 SnBnB.

Please note there are currently two accounts (account 1, account 2), with a combined supply of nearly 57% and borrowing nearly 100% of all SnBNB. This concentration and user behavior is most likely a result of incentives in the SnBNB market. We will continue to monitor the usage and make additional recommendations as necessary.


The supply and borrow cap for agEUR on the Stablecoins Pool are currently at nearly 100% utilization.

We recommend increasing the supply cap to 250K and the borrow cap to 200K.

Please note there is a single account currently supplying and borrowing nearly 100% of all agEUR. This concentration and user behavior is most likely a result of incentives in the agEUR market. We will continue to monitor the usage and make additional recommendations as necessary.