Now, it looks like a good SCAM disguised in technical incident!
And show how bad and unsecure can be Binance smart chain and the different people who made protocols such as Venus/Autofarm, and
giving fake hope to small people who gave them their little savings.
Yeah really what’s up ? all the moderator on twitter and telegram are saying “be patient… etc” since April,
but now it’s like nobody want to make this proposal, where should we vote ?
is it a DAO or what ?
you have the amount numbers, you have the wallet addresses, the team should do something.
Ok when someone steal money there is no excuses, but when a protocol (autofarm) working with another, makes a code negligence/mistake and 11M stay stuck in the vault of the other protocol (venus) let’s give the users a change to recover their loses. (moreover they are also user of venus)
How do we do now ?
First point : Autofarm is responsible for this loss, that is absolutely sure! They are the the one who have lost the money. They were aware of a change in the protocol that would implie this loss. They did not move a finger (and they still don’t make any effort). It seems autofarm had been warned by venus of a change… How exactly was it said… I don’t care. Autofarm was aware of the coming issue nevertheless they didn’t act = they lost our money.
In any case and first of all, Autofarm is responsible of the money we lent to their protocol. They lost it, they have to return it.
Second point : autofarm is the one who has the issue with venus. It is not our problem. if they feel that this is unfair the way Venus keeps the money locked in their vault, they should attack them or put them on trial or negociate. It is autofarm’s problem.
Third point : venus is a bastard. They know the money they keep from that issue in their vault is autofarm’s. They know someday they will have to return it. They can’t use it.
Fourth point : autofarm is just trying to cheat us, saying the problem is on venus. It may be on venus for not returning it. but it is in the first place on autofarm for loosing it. Autofarm lost our money. That is the only point we should focus on. The other part is autofarm’s problem.
Which leads to this : autofarm knows he is responsible but doesn’t want to assume it/hasn’t got the the cash to pay back.
First part of its strategy : as long as autofarm focus our attention on venus, autofarm doesn’t have to return the money himself.
Second part of autofarm’s strategy : the longer the issue lasts, the fewer complainers will remain. Until no one cares anymore.
What is the advantage for venus…? They are just bastards hoping they can keep the cash.
if venus and autofarm had really wanted to settle things down they would have already done it.
Je ne remets pas en cause la défaillance d’autofarm. Ce sont eux les responsables c’est quasi indéniable.
En revanche et de ce que je comprends les tokens “perdus” par autofarm sont dans les vaults de Venus. En tt cas c’est ce qu’a toujours dit autofarm, Qu’ils étaient en “sécurité” dans les coffres de venus. Sous entendant (et je l’ai peut être même lu qq part) identifiables. Donc pour ma Part si des tokens issus d’un probleme sont identifiables, c’est comme s’ils étaient séquestrés le temps de résoudre le probleme. ils ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour quoi que ce soit. Ni revendus, ni mis à travailler. Ils ne peuvent qu’être rendus à terme. C’est en ce sens que c’est pour moi un hack : venus garde des jetons qui ne leur appartiennent pas et dont ils n’ont aucun usage.
Je comprends qu’autofarm a été négligent et d’autres plus réactifs. Mais informer d’un changement de règle des protocols aussi importants par le biais de médium ou discord c’est un peu léger aussi… Ou pas d’ailleurs?
Sans dire qui a raison ou tord, cela permet quand même de lever des problèmes intéressants qu’une certaine regulation viendra peut être améliorer. Mais c’est encore un autre sujet.
Ces jetons “gardés” chez venus couvrent’ils exactement les changements de frais de venus ?
Le problème c’est qu’autofarm presente les choses comme allant être arrangées. Et venus ne dit rien. Du coup bah on est en colère de ne rien voir bouger…
My definition of stealing is “take another person’s property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.”
Venus stated clearly and for everybody to notice that there would be a fee.
Autofarm did not care.
So if anyone stole your money then it would be autofarm.
Actually I agree with you. If venus stated clearly via a usual medium that there would be a change… Autofarm had to act.
Has anyone got the original warning message venus sent to autofarm?
As I wrote earlier the first step is for
autofarm to give back what they lost. They can’t say that this depends on whether they get the money back from venus or not.
Autofarm did a mistake, first they have to fix it as grown-ups, returning what they lost. And then if they feel something went wrong with venus, They can try or say what ever they want.
Hi Sir.I think what happens between Autofarm and Venus is not our problem.We give Autofarm our Asset so they are 100 percent responsible of them.When Autofarm think Venus made wrong,they can attack them in court.About a year and this problem is not solved.It’s unthinkable when Autofarm is honnest with us.
What you also need to include in the agreement is a phased withdrawal of funds over a year. This is to avoid any sudden run on our protocol. Just a suggestion. I come in peace