I’m Admin in all Venus Groups, I don’t agree with this offer, Against my vote
Autofarm has not taken any positive steps on this issue for 4 months.
I am someone who has lived the process closely from the very beginning and has been in it.
We warned them many times before this incident happened. By tagging Autofarm on Twitter, we asked them to take precautions before the process starts.
Many platforms took precautions and had no problems. However, Autofarm, which we insistently warned, did nothing and they screwed up.
Yep, Autofarm officials literally screwed this up
This process is witnessed by those from the Autofarm group who come to Venus and ask questions.
Venus did nothing wrong, it was certainly not an issue for us, it was purely Autofarm’s inexperience and recklessness.
First of all, Autofarm should admit this to its users. Autıfarm Didn’t Take Precautions!
Instead of protecting your users’ funds too easily, you tried to profit from them
Now let’s get to the offer. The offer is a cunning one focused entirely on Autofarm’s self-promotion and blaming Venus if not accepted.
Don’t think we are one of the Autofarm users you milk!
We will not deprive you of the rights of Venus users because of your clumsy and clumsy mistake.
This offer will not pass unless XVS holders request it. You have not even given this information to your users.
What’s wrong with the offer
This is completely Autofarm fault. It is not something that concerns or is responsible for Venus. You should know this, announce it and make the offer accordingly.
This offer is not an endorsed offer by the Venus community or Venus team
The mathematical data you have given in the offer is wrong. This offer is nothing more than an effort to show that it is a good option within Venus.
If your request to open the new XVS Vault you mentioned in the proposal was profitable for you, you would have already opened it, if so why haven’t you done something that will benefit your users yet?
If you are serious about your offer, why didn’t you accept the requests for the guarantee? Why are you hiding them from your users?
The person who wrote the offer just wanted to advertise Autofarm, it was completely Autofarm’s fault, and we were shocked that they tried to gain an advantage with it.
If they want to be taken seriously, Autofarm must change the people who deal with it, but also put their arrogance aside
The truth is, there is nothing that concerns Venus. If you have a request from us, you should be more serious. First of all, you must admit your mistake, pay your part and provide a guarantee to Venus for the other and demand it.
My personal offer
You pay half of the damage to Autofarm users, the other half is us and of course you have to go live the new XVS Vault immediately (to show your seriousness and goodwill)
or we’ll pay all but you pay $6m worth of $AUTO tokens to XVS holders on Venus Protocol
Even with Joselito you couldn’t make a deal because you’re ignoring your mistake.
Now we have our new council, we are much stronger, we are determined and our future is shining
Me and Danny will defend Venus’ rights anytime and anywhere. We have a strong team and community behind us…
If you want to be taken seriously as I said above, fill your offer with serious stuff beyond Advertisement
We don’t need your little TVL!
We don’t need you!
We are Venus…
Defi Bank of the Future…