Many people buy vrt coins, so vrt should improve well. I did not get a vrt award, I bought it, I invested a lot of money, so it should be worked on. Both coins are good, so both should improve
I support this, and now we need to concentrate on doing xvs. However, the ratio of 9000 is unreasonable, which is equivalent to letting everyone sell vrt now, and then buy xvs, and there is no need to lock in.
The project has just started, and the single currency model is simple and practical, which is more suitable for the long-term development of the project. The dual currency model is difficult to balance, and it is easy to reappear black swan. So I support single currency mode
Disagree,I vote NO.
VRT must be the part of VENUS eco system as in proposal#1 (Multi coin/token).
A Big No! The first one was better.
If really want to use this proposal, i suggest to use all the fund in the two treasury about 21.0M $ to exchange all the VRT at a certain exchange rate. Didn’t need to unlock more XVS to the market to harm the holders of XVS.
6.If the XVS deposited in the vault wants to withdraw, it will take seven days to unlock after the application is initiated. This is to ensure that the XVS that enter the vault is willing to accompany the long-term development of the project;
I think seven days is not safe, maybe need more days like 14 days or 30 days.
I vote for this. No need of multiple coins at this point when the protocol is weak and then keep scratching the head to create utility for multiple coins. Just keep one and make the protocol strong.
If the protocol becomes strong and XVS recovers to $150 and above., I’m sure VRT holdlers would be happy to give up VRT for XVS.
Vote NO - very bad idea
This is good proposal for Venus to become a success, the idea of this VRT was wrong from beginning and it will be wrong to continue. those people asking about the first proposal and VRT only care about VRT they bought even though they know VRT is bad for entire Venus and XVS. I hope the team and everyone else interested in this project will do what’s right and follow one single coin model.
my vote is yes
I don’t like this plan, which will lose the trust of the community. This plan is another heist. Giving up VRT is like giving up a newborn child.
There is no best proposal, there will always be people who feel ripped off. I prefer the single token and not bring in the lottery and prediction crap like al those other mushroom defi’s, Venus was a new and classy lending platform and now you want to be like all the rest. So i vote proposal 2 so that the main focus can be on 1 coin and a long term roadmap…
Exchange rates need to be studied carefully
The first option is only to deal with the bad problems left by JL, and the second option is the future. What we want is the development of xvs, not to do more for vrt.
I vote No for this proposal.
Many long term holders and new investors bought XVS for the VRT airdrop and to invest in the Venus future with VRT, and it took XVS to new ATH and then we had bad actors manipulate and plummet the XVS price after, which has devastated the XVS ecosystem. To rollback VRT now with a swap for XVS would be detrimental, especially at a lower swap rate than the original cost to all of us still holding XVS from ATH prices. This would be like a back-to-back double negative hit to XVS holders.
Proposal #1 is the better option. Keep VRT and grow the ecosystem with XVS as the Governance token and VRT as the fuel/gas for the Venus system. Similar to THETA and THETA Fuel as originally intended by JL. Proposal #1 helps balance usage of XVS and VRT and rewards, and I’m sure it will continue to improve over time. I believe we should still burn XVS as originally intended by JL since we have too many Governance XVS and similarly, it was another reason investors jumped in and bought XVS to take it to new ATH.
I don’t think it’s a fair vote.
The first proposal is much more elaborated than the second one.
They are hard to compair…
We realy need to give XVS a meaning to hold, a way to support the price of XVS.
I would like to see that a portion of interest payments will flow to XVS holders with a buyback and burn meganism.
What I mis in both proposals is why Venus and BSC should have a stable Dollar like Vai?
I don’t see any purpose for this coin, could you explain why Venus should continue with Vai?
I can think of some reasons why Venus should quit with Vai:
VAI rewards are deluting XVS holders, VAI is difficult to Peg. VAI is making less people borrow Stable coins. Binance already has BUSD…
If we keep Vai, I think it would be better to change name to VUSD.
People that don’t know Venus but do use pancakeswap will not know that Vai is a Dollar Pegged (unstable) Coin.
Some exra text to make it less simular…
Make XVS great again!
With VRT in play, VENUS can achieve higher APY amounts without increasing XVS emission rate. A single tokenomic model would require an increased XVS emission rate, providing greater selling pressure, not to mention the debt recovery plan, team and treasury payments which would occur from XVS. XVS as a governance token needs to be scarce, not diluting the market, which is why Proposal 1 is better; it will attract new TVL/users due to higher APY’s, boost XVS demand with tiers without compromising XVS emmision rate. VRT will also assist in the debt recovery and treasury/team payments, its a win-win bi-token economy. If proposal 2 is passed, it wil actually supress the venus protocol and progress, which is why alot of people are for proposal 1.
Remove the part of destroying VRT, let the rest become a separate proposal for XVS, then this will be the base proposal of Venus and should be develped as a higher priority task.
Proposal 1 only is a VRT economic proposal, it is not so important to the system.
Remember: What is the most important?