I am an XVS holder and an Autofarm user. I am very much in favor of this proposal.
I am also someone who has been following this event closely from the beginning.
About whether Autofarm is at fault in this incident? Yes, Autofarm has some responsibility.
But think about it, many other projects that work with Venus have been affected by Venus charges - Belt, MOBOX, Beefy, etc.
Next, I’ll talk about this proposal too. And give a very serious reply.
1 This is completely Autofarm fault. It is not something that concerns or is responsible for Venus. You should know this, announce it and make the offer accordingly.
- As an Autofarm user, you can’t not return Autofarm users’ funds just because the Autofarm project is responsible.
2 This offer is not an endorsed offer by the Venus community or Venus team
- This is an offer endorsed by the core management team of Venus, you are not a member of the core team of Venus.
3 The mathematical data you have given in the offer is wrong. This offer is nothing more than an effort to show that it is a good option within Venus.
- This data will be verified by the Venus core management team, so I don’t think this part is a concern.
4 If your request to open the new XVS Vault you mentioned in the proposal was profitable for you, you would have already opened it, if so why haven’t you done something that will benefit your users yet?
- To open the new Vault, it would be best if you could communicate with Venus before opening it. I’m just a user, so this is just the way I see it.
5 If you are serious about your offer, why didn’t you accept the requests for the guarantee? Why are you hiding them from your users?
- Autofarm has also been communicating with users about how the incident was handled.
6 The person who wrote the offer just wanted to advertise Autofarm, it was completely Autofarm’s fault, and we were shocked that they tried to gain an advantage with it.
- Also don’t understand what you mean by this statement, you are just guessing without going deeper into the BSC and helping the BSC ecology.
7 If they want to be taken seriously, Autofarm must change the people who deal with it, but also put their arrogance aside
- Still don’t understand what you mean by that, are you just venting your selfishness?
8 The truth is, there is nothing that concerns Venus. If you have a request from us, you should be more serious. First of all, you must admit your mistake, pay your part and provide a guarantee to Venus for the other and demand it.
- Autofarm does not deny responsibility. You don’t represent Venus either, there is a small percentage of XVS Holder who are just assholes for Venus.
Here is my proposal.
I hope this proposal will pass, it will be beneficial for Autofarm users, Venus project future development, and BSC ecological cooperation. After the proposal is passed, everyone will accelerate into positive and prosper together!
Dear NoOneVII:
You are selfish! You are not a real supporter of Venus! You are not a supporter of BSC ecology! You just want money that is not your own. You will ruin Venus!